Wait…There’s a presentation?

It feels like a long time since the beginning of the semester. In that time, between all of your classes and other responsibilities, you may have forgotten that you have a presentation in here! So, it is my job to remind you. If you consult the syllabus, you will see:

Each student will be responsible for making a 5 minute presentation on current events in social media on a date assigned by the instructor. I will expect you to come to class prepared to talk about/show/explain some interesting phenomenon that you have seen, experienced, or researched related to social media, or some other “new” media idea. You must present on the date that you are assigned (assignments are made randomly) unless you make other arrangements ahead of time.

  • Presentations should be around 5 minutes long. You will lose points if it takes you an excessive amount of time to pull up your visuals as we are on a limited schedule with classroom. Be sure that you know your passwords, etc.
  • Your presentation should be professional, interesting and informative. Some type of presentation software is recommended to keep you organized.

I have suggested in your lab assignment for today that you visit the Real Future page. While this is not the only potential source for topics, there are many that are particularly interesting, and most have a video with them that you can watch to get some more information about the phenomenon. I will be posting a discussion board in the near future for you to post the topic that you would like to present.



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